Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Times They Are A-Changing... the man said.

Rayna celebrated her six-month birthday last week on the 6th. She is changing at a faster pace and is truly a joy to watch. You may recall a few months back, I reported that she was rolling over from her belly to her back. She is able to go the other way now and happily rolls from her back to her belly and back again. She is fairly content now to lay on the floor and play with her toys while we do our own thing a few feet away. She occasionally throws things far enough away that she cannot get them back again and that produces some cries. Other than that, she seems happy rolling around on the floor. It's going to be time to start child-proofing the house pretty soon.

She's eating solid food three times a day now with formula mostly late at night. So far, she's eaten everything we've put in front of her but I don't think she likes the green beans so much. She eats them but not as enthusiastically. The beef and vegetable mix is a special favorite and she eats it with gusto. She is taking fruit juice (pear and apple) in her bottle mixed with water. She likes it but has to pause periodically to shake her head. It's really cute. I don't know if it's the sweetness but she is obviously still getting used to it. We just weighed her the other day and she came in at exactly 15 lbs.

While she still squeals and squeaks a lot, she is increasingly making more coherent sounds. Mostly, it sounds like "ba ba ba ba", but occasionally I could swear she was saying "da da". :-) Her other new trick is stick her tongue out. She started doing that a week or so ago. She'll sit there with her tongue hanging out for the longest time. Shades of Gene Simmons...